Author: admin
Please join us in Room 319 on Friday, March 15, from 12:30–1:45 p.m., for the IWDPA’s Standing Panel session (refer to the floor plan on page 346 of the CCCC program guide).
Attendees will be invited to participate in a rousing discussion of “Performing Disciplinary Identity through Undergraduate Degree Programs in Independent Writing Programs.” Featured speakers will articulate strategies for stakeholder enlistment in undergraduate degree program development.
Chair and Speaker: Rebekka Anderson, University of California, Davis
- Vanessa Calkins, University of Central Florida, Orlando
- Catherine Forsa, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
- Brian Hendrickson, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
- Laurie A. Pinkert, University of Central Florida, Orlando
- Meaghan Rand, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- Dahliani Reynolds, Roger Williams University, Bristol, RI
- Adele Richardson, University of Central Florida, Orlando
- Janice Rieman, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- Ashlyn Walden, University of North Carolina, Charlotte
Please join the Independent Writing Departments and Programs Association (IWDPA) for its Executive Board meeting at CCCC:
- Date: Thursday, March 14, 2019
- Time: 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
- Location: Convention Center 323
Our meeting is open to anyone interested in the work and possibilities within the realm of independent writing departments and programs; such work certainly includes centers and other freestanding units. In the words of one of our founding members, Keith Rhodes, If you think you may belong here, come on in!
Interested in independent writing programs, departments, initiatives, or writing centers?
If so, then consider submitting a proposal for the 2019 IWPDA Standing Group Panel at CCCC. We are looking for interesting proposals that engage with the work or identity of independent writing programs and departments; we welcome proposals that connect to the conference theme for 2019, “Performance-Rhetoric, Performance-Composition.” Individual and full panel proposals will be considered.
If you would like your proposal to be considered for the 2019 IWPDA Standing Group Panel at CCCC 2019, email your proposal to Alice Myatt by the end of the day, Monday, April 30, 2018. Selected presenters will be notified by May 5, 2018, in order to give those who are not selected a chance to submit their proposals through the regular review process.
April 2017 Announcements
A bi-annual meeting of the IWDPA will be held Thursday, July 20, 2:00 – 3:00 p.m., location forthcoming, at the Council of Writing Program Administrators’ annual conference in Knoxville, Tennessee.
The agenda for our IWDPA meeting is forthcoming (will be posted June, 2017).
Executive Board
President: Alice Johnston Myatt, University of Mississippi
Vice-President: Jeremy Schneider, Morningside College
Past-President: Leslie Werden, Morningside College
Our Secretary is Susan Pagnac, Central College
Our Board Members are Denise Comer, Duke University; Kelley Kinney, University of Wyoming, Barry Maid, Arizona State University, and Susan Pagnac, Central College
The Independent Writing Departments and Programs Association (IWDPA) seeks proposals for its 2018 CCCC Standing Group Panel that engage with topics relevant to “Movements that (Re)Shape Independent Writing Departments and Programs.” Details are below; proposals must be received by Sunday, April 30, 2017 end of day.
In the evolving landscape of writing studies writ large, recognized as a robust discipline with the resources that come from being part of a well-established field, there have recently been movements from various departments that seek to shape or reshape independent writing departments. While some seek to support the continued development or sustainment of independent units, others seek to reshape an independent unit into a subordinate program within another department or unit. Possible questions for consideration (though questions beyond this list are welcome):
- In an age of pragmatism, practicality, and movement, what do independent departments and programs need to recognize about the complexities of being independent? What should independent departments and programs do to ensure robust and continued independence?
- How has movement out of/into/between departments and programs affected your current department or program? What opportunities and challenges have accompanied such moves? What benefits and drawbacks have been experienced by units on both sides of the movement?
- What are the financial and administrative benefits and challenges found in the movements out of/into/between writing departments and programs?
- How have movements out of/into/between other departments affected writing instruction (i.e., faculty) and student learning (i.e., students)?
- Other topics relevant to independent writing departments and programs, which include independent writing centers, are welcome.
Who: Individual presentations should be no more than 15 minutes in length. In keeping with the CCCC guidelines for sessions, 30 minutes of the session will be used for Q&A, discussion, or other activities. We plan to have 3 individual presentations of no more than 15 minutes in length. Panel proposals (full session) will be considered; be sure to include the names of all presenters, the focus of each presentation, and the approximate time each plans to present.
What: Send 150-200 word proposals off–list to Full panel proposals may be 600 – 750 words. Be sure to include a title for each proposal and contact information.
NOTE: Please include one to three identifiers that will be used as hashtags (Pedagogy, Basic Writing, Assessment, Rhetoric, History, Tech, Language, Professional Technical Writing, Writing Program Administration, Theory, Public, Civic, and Community Writing, Creative Writing); refer to the 2018 CCCC guidelines for proposals to review the criteria for presenters.
Proposals will be reviewed by IWDPA executive officers; email acceptances from IWDPA will be sent no later than Friday, May 5, 2017.
When: Sunday, April 30, 2017, end of day